One truth that focuses one’s efforts at generosity: the needs are infinite, the resources are few. There are times when difficult decisions must be made to say “no” to worthy causes. Jesus focuses the efforts of his apostles when he sends them out: Jesus sent out these Twelve after instructing them thus, “Go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Don’t try to care for everyone, you twelve, just reach out the this particular population. We know, of course, that in subsequent years, the mission of Jesus expanded with the Apostle Paul to include not just those of Israel but of “the nations” as well. Even in Jesus’ ministry he cared for the Syro-phoenician mother, the Centurion’s servant, the Gerasene demoniac. His mission came to include more than the “lost sheep” of Israel. The lesson for us, yes, do what you can to reach out in charity to those who are hurting. Don’t feel like you have to do everything but you can do something. And keep your eye opened for what might be next for you in the plan of God.