The Bible is mostly just a series of stories. This is in constrast to much of religious literature. The Quran, the Vedas, the Sutras are mostly exhortations, instructions, descriptions, explanations. The Bible tells the stories of people. When the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews wants to explain what it means to have faith he cites the stories of faith from the many believers throughout Israel’s history. The four gospels are for the most part stories about what Jesus said and did. When Jesus cures the possessed man he tells him to tell his story. “Go home to your family and announce to them all that the Lord in his pity has done for you.” That provides the key to how we can evangelize today. We will be most effective in spreading the gospel not by teaching the catechism or by theological expositions on the Trinity. Rather, we should tell the story of how God has touched our lives, how Jesus walks with us, for telling our stories is what will bring others to faith.