St. Barnabas is the only one the church calls an apostle outside of the Twelve and St. Paul. But really, every Catholic is called to be an apostle, as the founder of my religious congregation, Fr. Thomas Judge, C.M., used to say. In Barnabas we see three of the characteristics of apostles. First, he brings forward the tradition. The Twelve send him to Antioch to ensure the continuity of the faith in the new believers. Second, an apostle embraces the new. Barnabas went out of his way to recruit Saul of Tarsus knowing he would proclaim the gospel with untried methods in unknown lands. Finally, an apostle, like Barnabas, leads through encouragement. The apostle brings the faith to others not by imposing it but by encouraging the seeker in the right direction and letting the Holy Spirit take care of the rest.
By Church Staff