“Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do. I have not come to call the righteous to repentance but sinners.” These words of Jesus divide the world into two categories — the sick and the healthy. I would observe the health and sickness are not an either/or but on a spectrum. There are degrees of health and degrees of sickness. Most people would not claim to be righteous nor would they name themselves as sinners. They are decent. The righteous have no need to repent but must continue as they have begun in living a godly life. The sinner knows that something isn’t right and feels the call to change, to become better. The decent people are not yet living fully as seeking the will of God in all things nor are they living in ways which do damage to themselves and others. Being content with being decent instead of heeding the call to holiness might be the most dangerous condition of all.
By Church Staff